Let every man and woman count himself immortal. Let him catch the revelation of Jesus in his resurrection. Let him say not merely, "Christ is risen," but "I shall rise." ~Phillips Brooks
I've been reading Rich Brother, Rich Sister by Robert Kiyosaki and Emi Kiyosaki, and today I was reading about the concept of resurrection in our life. "I realised that life itself is a daily process of birth, death, resurrection, and evolution or reformation... Today I meet many people who live in fear of dying rather than with the joy of living... many live in fear of some form of crucifixion, not realising that their fear is already crucifying them...it takes faith that there is always a resurrection, an evolution, and a reformation, as long as we are open to it".
Those places where we have been crucified, they are often the places where we have learned our greatest lessons, and risen again, wiser, more capable... the message of this month is one for us to remember if we find ourselves in that place of crucifixion, that we will rise, we can transform. Some external events can have us feeling crucified, other situations arise from at our own doing. Learn the lesson and rise again. As Dolly Parton's character said so aptly in Straight Talk, 'get down off the cross honey, somebody needs the wood'.