When I was growing up my mother used to play the Doris Day song Que Sera Sera... I am sure that song must have etched itself into my mind as it played over and over. 'What will be will be'. Well not really, you see your mind has a huge impact on what will be will be... just try it for a while... starting focussing on what you want to happen and then sit back and watch, just relax and let it come into you. Play for a while and experiment... even if it is just a small thing that you focus on... allow your imagination to play and then think of what you want. As Albert Einstein used to say... "Your imagination is your preview of life's coming attractions".
Are you constantly going to and paying far too much for clairvoyants to tell you your future? Really all you need do if you are wondering what is coming up in your future, is to watch what you are thinking - what you are worrying about, what you spend your time dwelling on, what you are fantasing about, what you are jealous about, what you love, what you admire, what you desire, what ever it is... it's all on it's way to you. The good news is you are in control of your mind... don't like what's showing up in your life? Simply switch your mind onto what you want and imagine again. What you focus on you get more of.