Found Art - Trees with Clothes

On a recent trip to Sydney my husband and I were delighted to find that Kings Cross had been wrapped in knitting... well some of the park anyway. It was so fantastic to see many trees with brightly coloured knitting around them. Even the Police station had knitting on the rails and police colours specifically designed for the trees outside.

What I loved about this found art project, was the delight on peoples faces as they walked into the park for the first time. The artwork truly lifted the spirit of the whole area. Another thing I noticed was that even though it was a really cold day, the park bench that had a knitted cover, was left empty.

Here's a bit of the background of the project from UTube...

For more on this public art project go to:

Mosaic Latte

I love mosaics, and one day I'll get around to doing some more, in the meantime, I satisfy my inner mosaic artist by looking at other peoples talents... I found a great blog that has some fantastic mosaics pictured, the cafe latte mosaic was one that I drooled over...

Kim Grant Mosaics - click here

Reiki Principles with Waterlily Photo

Just for today... starts the Reiki Creed -
Just for today, don't worry,

Seems so easy doesn't it? To decide that just for today I will be a certain way.
I will let go of certain ways of being, and try a new way...
Perhaps the Reiki Creed instead of Don't worry, should read, Trust life...
What do you think? Are you a worrier or do you trust life?


Our thoughts and prayers are with the lovely people of Samoa as they journey through this time of crisis.

We have been to Samoa a few times now, the people are so beautiful and so friendly and welcoming. A few years back our plane struggled to land in Samoa, the pilots had the choice between attempting a landing in the sea or crashing into the mountain at the back of the runway. So upon hearing this, the Samoan people went to church to pray for our plane to land safely. Which after many long hours of trying to get a wheel to lock down, we did. I think largely due to their prayers, for as soon as we landed the wheel collapsed and the plane blocked the runway for over a week.

Now it's our turn to pray for them. Know that we are thinking of you all.

How a simple change can make such a difference.

I started this blog so many years ago, and over the years it was a lovely way of keeping a diary. Then one day, I was playing around wi...