As I was talking to my friend Wendy yesterday, I started to draw bubbles - doodling as I talked. We had been discussing ways to make money using the skills she already had. I encouraged Wendy to draw her own bubbles and to write one of the skills she has in each. It started to become clear how unique Wendy's talents were. Then it came home to me that each of us has these unique combination of talents that no one else has. That probably seems as if it goes without saying, but have you ever sat down and actually broken down your skills. If you were to work out your own unique combination you might be surprised at just how many skills you possess, I know Wendy and I were.
Draw a bubble on a page now. Think of one of your skills, and write it in the bubble. Now draw another bubble and write one more of your skills in it. If organisation is one of your skills, as is Wendy's - what makes up the combination that is organisation - break organisation down into parts again. You may use a filing system, or you may organise your home well. How? Think of each skill that you normally perform, break it down and then write it in one of your bubbles. Try putting in some of the qualitites you possess that you show to the world too... like love, fun, patience, faith, kindness.
Bubbles of Uniqueness - there has never been nor will there ever be another person who is unique as you in this world, and there never will be again.
If you would like to have a session to discuss what your special skills are and different ways to share them with the world book a session at Frangipani House...