This blog diary is about our mosaic life at Frangipani House; art, mindfulness, travel, walking with our little dog on the beach, the beauty in everyday life. Let the beauty of what you love, be what you do.
Bead Angel
While my neice was visiting me last week, we took time to make an angel. We had a lovely time sitting and beading. I just found the angel today sitting on the bookcase and it reminded me of our time together.
Many years ago when I was in Samoa, I drove past some Samoan women in their fales making leis and singing together. I longed to join in with them. But in those days I didn't have the courage to go and ask. It was a longing I brought back with me to Australia and I decided to create a similar gathering with other women in my own life whenever I could.
We have a lot to learn from island culture in our western world.
How a simple change can make such a difference.
I started this blog so many years ago, and over the years it was a lovely way of keeping a diary. Then one day, I was playing around wi...
White house on the water Art work by Kareen Three rules of work: out of clutter find simplicity; from discord find harmony; in the middle of...
At Frangipani House we believe that the internet is bringing us all closer as a world community... in that spirit we share information on ho...