After practising Hot Stone Massage for many years, I learned to appreciate, seemingly ordinary stones, and now stones have never seemed the same. Stones now fascinate me. Stones I wouldn't have given a second glance, now stop me in my tracks. Now I take time to look and may be take a picture, and stand and wonder at them.
I saw the stone in the picture above on the beach at Byron Bay and took this picture. Now that I know how long it takes stones to form, I am amazed to think that just at this point in time it and I are in the same place. You may know how long stones take to form, if not I can tell you that they have been around for a very very long time. Traditions of the Hawaiians and the American Indians say that the stones may be our ancestors. They say that our bodies turn back to the earth once we have passed on and that the dust from the ancestors mix with the earth and become parts of stones like this one.
Does that make you think differently about stones? It made me think differently. As I look at stones now, I think of stories such as this...
How did the quartz get into the place it is right now in the stone?
Do you ever stop and wonder at the things in nature that may seem ordinary?