I don't know about you, but I love Chocolate. However, only just recently I found out that thousands of people have been sold into slavery to produce it for me to eat. Now that kind of took the fun out of my Chocolate bar. Call me slow, but I didn't know. Now I am not really a betting kinda gal, but I sort of thought that if I didn't know that there are also lots and lots of other people out there who don't know either.
So I am asking you to do something... I am asking you to go to the www.stopthetraffik.org website to sign a petition that is going to the UNITED NATIONS to abolish the slave trade.
12,000 children - 12 thousand children have been traffiked into slavery to produce chocolate... 12 thousand children are working on Africa's Ivory Coast to produce cocoa beans to be made into chocolate... let's get together and stop this... write to your favourite Chocolate company and tell all the friends you can. You see once you find out this sort of thing, chocolate just doesn't taste the same any more. There is Chocolate you can buy that is slave free and it is certified under the Fair Trade logo... the Stop The Traffik site has a lists of stockists where you can buy them.
YOU CAN MAKE A DIFFERENCE... inform everyone you know about this from the stores where you buy chocolate to your local politican... get your emails working... lets work together. Be an Angel to those kids today.