How good is it when someone listens to us, really gives us their full attention and actually looks as though they are interested in what we are saying. Especially at times when we really need someone to hear us. Times when we may be going through grief - if you know of someone who has lost another person recently, or not even another person, perhaps they have lost an animal that they held dear to them. Then I ask you to take some time and actually listen to their feelings... you don't actually have to DO anything... just let them know that you are there for them by paying attention, and be caring.
It can really shatter a person when they lose someone. I have read once - I think it was Virginnia Satir who said - that our family system can be likened to a mobile... one of those pretty things that hangs above a baby's cot or out on your veranda. Normally the mobile moves around in a balanced way moving in the wind... but if you were to take one of the pieces out... it sort of clunks around and bangs up against itself. Well our lives are like this... if you take one of the pieces out that makes up our lives, we clunk around a lot. Things can take a while to rebalance, to get used to life without a part. What friends and family can do is offer their support, and I don't mean saying to someone, 'here's 40cents ring lifeline tell someone who cares'.
Take time to sit with that person. Take time to listen. Take time to develop some skills in listening... who knows maybe one day you will need someone to listen to you and just maybe that person you took time to listen to will be there for you.
If you would like to learn some listening skills or have a session where you can talk over issues in your life you can do this at Frangipani House Click here