This blog diary is about our mosaic life at Frangipani House; art, mindfulness, travel, walking with our little dog on the beach, the beauty in everyday life. Let the beauty of what you love, be what you do.
33 Days - Moving Mountains
If you are interested in living to your full potential and interested in a 33day online program...
"What if the greatest challenges we face today, are really just doorways to AWAKEN our trued creative potential"
Living Now Moving Mountains click here"
Expect a Miracle
When the student is ready...

The thing that never ceases to amaze me with the internet, has to be the wondrous information that is available to all those who seek.
This morning I was led to some secret teachings, that were once only available to those who made long journeys from one side of their world to another. Once upon a time, I would have been packing my bags and heading out the door to sit at a sages knee for years, trying to work out the right questions to ask in order to learn the knowledge. Yet this morning, all I had to do was to wander from my bedroom to my computer and turn it on. It really makes me appreciate the world we live in today.
I read the writings of Florence Scovel Shinn regularly, as she has written some of the most profound truth that I have ever come across. Not only that, but if you apply it in your life, which I have, then you will start to see your life change in so many ways; health, wealth, happiness, love, you name it - if you want to achieve it - go read what Florence says about it. Anyway, today when I was reading Florence's book, I came across a reference to a secret teaching. And seeing how I had read this part of the book time and time again, and had never noticed it before, it was like a secret passage inside the book had opened up and was revealed to me. Weird, even for me who is really used to some very weird things happening in our neck of the woods.
So I quickly trotted into the office, and asked my friend Google if he had ever heard of the reference, and not only had he heard of it, but he gave me a free PDF copy (oh my goodness), legitimate, I might add here, to download. I love you Google.
So today, instead of finding a camel driver to take me to the outer limits of Egypt, and then getting all hot and sweaty and sandy and gritty, on the way to the master teacher, I'll turn on my air conditioner, make a cappuccino on my new Nespresso coffe maker, and read all about the secrets of the universe. I wonder if anyone really appreciates, what we have at our fingertips, in our offices.
Hmmm, camel ride, I've always wanted to ride on a camel... then again they're just down the road... maybe tomorrow.
Never Give Up

Walking along the beach this morning I met a woman who had a lovely pink singlet on. The singlet had the words,
on it.
It's always a bit heart rending for me when I read these words, as we have now lost 2 members of our family to suicide. My mind goes straight to our treasured family members who did give up, and I feel a tug in my heart as I read these words.
I can't change their decisions, but I can say here and send hope to others to... NEVER GIVE UP
Wherever I have wandered...

"Wherever I have knocked, a door has opened. Wherever I have wandered, a path has appeared. I have been helped, supported, encouraged, and nurtured by people of all races, creeds, colors, and dreams; and I have, to the best of my ability, returned help, support, encouragement, and nurture. This receiving, nurturing, or passing on has been the most amazing, joyous and continuous experience of my life." Alice Walker
I think that if we consider all the people and incidents that have helped us in our lives, we could all write a book. Those moments of grace that we have experienced that took away danger or brought into our lives a message, a moment, an enlightening experience, a person. How have you been helped and encouraged in your life?
Dorcus Beads

At Frangipani House we believe that the internet is bringing us all closer as a world community... in that spirit we share information on how to help others and spread awareness of various projects...
A Micro-enterprise initiative of the Women of East Africa. These beads are produced from recycled paper by women living with and affected by HIV/AIDS across Kenya and Uganda. The income is used to support their own children and others who are orphaned by AIDS.
Dorcus Beads - Click Here
Pink Slipper Project

"Each year, hundreds of thousands of women and children are forced to leave their homes and seek safety and healing in shelters across the country. This year, you can make a difference in the lives of a few of those women and children and remind them that their sisters are thinking of them. They are not alone."
The pink slipper project site has a downloadable pattern to make slippers to send to these women and children... what another great community idea.
The Pink Slipper click here
Inspirational Site - Enchanted Makeovers for Refuge

If you are like me and love to visit inspirational sites that get you all fired up with ideas of how to help others then you'll enjoy visiting Enchanted Truly - what women!!
The Haitian Earthquake... please help

There was an earthquake in Haiti on the 12th January if you can help UNICEF and Google are taking donations. Here's some info from Google...
Support Disaster Relief in Haiti
On January 12, a 7.0 magnitude earthquake struck Haiti. Join recovery efforts mobilizing around the world to assist earthquake victims. Your donation will help disaster victims rebuild their lives and their communities. Google will also donate $1 million to help organizations provide relief.
Donate to UNICEF
UNICEF is deploying clean water and sanitation supplies, therapeutic foods, medical supplies and temporary shelter to Jacmel and Port-au-Prince. UNICEF will also be focusing on children who have become separated from their families to protect them from harm or exploitation.
Click here to donate
You Tube news video...
Click here to view rescue mission on You Tube
Prayers for Haitian's and the animals... Here's a lovley video we found on You Tube... Focus on the candles and send your loving thoughts and prayers with us...
The Senility Prayer

Some days you have just got to remember that you have a sense of humour... somewhere, maybe it's in the back of the closet... I hope I'll remember by the end of the week where I left mine.
Grant me the senility to forget the people I never liked anyway,
The good fortune to run into the ones I do, and the eyesight to tell the difference.
Focus On What You Want to Create Your Desires...

A recent phone call from someone interested in buying stones has reminded me how much people ask for what they don't want in life, rather than what they do. The phone call went on... and on... focussing on what the person didn't want in stones for massage, but when questioned on what it was that they did want... they couldn't say.
So much of life is lived this way, aimlessly drifting from one I don't want to another, and wondering why... the thing that is so wanted - never arrives.
What are you after this year, can you put it into a clear picture or words?
Wishes for 2010

My Wish for You in 2010
May peace break into your house and
May thieves come to steal your debts.
May the pockets of your jeans become a magnet of $1000 bills.
May love stick to your face like Vaseline
And may laughter assault your lips!
May your clothes smell of success like smoking tires
And may happiness slap you across the face
And may your tears be that of joy.
May the problems you had forget your home address!
In simple words
May 2010 be one of the best year of your life!!
We received this email from Tony Zhang today... if you are interested in Dancing Shoes check out his website at Dancing
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How a simple change can make such a difference.
I started this blog so many years ago, and over the years it was a lovely way of keeping a diary. Then one day, I was playing around wi...

White house on the water Art work by Kareen Three rules of work: out of clutter find simplicity; from discord find harmony; in the middle of...
At Frangipani House we believe that the internet is bringing us all closer as a world community... in that spirit we share information on ho...