There was an earthquake in Haiti on the 12th January if you can help UNICEF and Google are taking donations. Here's some info from Google...
Support Disaster Relief in Haiti
On January 12, a 7.0 magnitude earthquake struck Haiti. Join recovery efforts mobilizing around the world to assist earthquake victims. Your donation will help disaster victims rebuild their lives and their communities. Google will also donate $1 million to help organizations provide relief.
Donate to UNICEF
UNICEF is deploying clean water and sanitation supplies, therapeutic foods, medical supplies and temporary shelter to Jacmel and Port-au-Prince. UNICEF will also be focusing on children who have become separated from their families to protect them from harm or exploitation.
Click here to donate
You Tube news video...
Click here to view rescue mission on You Tube
Prayers for Haitian's and the animals... Here's a lovley video we found on You Tube... Focus on the candles and send your loving thoughts and prayers with us...