"Make Cupcakes Not War"
Fairy Cupcakes by Kareen
Icing colouring - a spoonful of Beetroot Juice - flavouring - a dash or two of rosewater.
Icing colouring - a spoonful of Beetroot Juice - flavouring - a dash or two of rosewater.
I received an email today from Weight Watchers asking me to Declare Peace on Cupcakes. I think that this could even become a world wide Peace movement. So today along with Weight Watchers and my old cup cake loving self I say...
PEACE on you delightful little CUPCAKES
Does this mean that May 29 is now officially Cup Cake Peace Day?
I'll eat to that!
Join with me cupcake lovers and have thine kitchens runneth over with cupcakes (but remember to give one or two to your neighbour too).
While we are on the subject of cupcakes... have a look at these gorgeous cupcake pillows... I know a little girl who would love one of these...
Cupcake Pillow Image found on Photobucket Click Here