
A couple of days ago I placed a link to Cheryl Richardson's site, after reading one of her newsletters in my email. Then yesterday, I was in The Salvos second hand store browsing through the book section, and there in front of me was one of her books on Grace - hmmm I thought, hang on I was just talking about Cheryl in my blog... so I bought the book and last night as I was reading it, she mentions exactly these types of happenings, one thing leading to another, and being directed by Grace. Have you ever had things like that happen to you? I am sure you have, perhaps you call it a different name - coincidence, focus?

Anyway - in the book Cheryl mentions a website called My Inner World I've just been visiting there - what a wonderful site. It is so uplifting and informative and just delightful - it made my day.

How a simple change can make such a difference.

I started this blog so many years ago, and over the years it was a lovely way of keeping a diary. Then one day, I was playing around wi...