Decluttering our Frangipani House

Well I am a very happy girl today, I finally got around to decluttering our junk cupboard. Do you have one of those, you know where all those interesting bits of mail seem to gather, the things you need to get around to, things that need to go back to the shop etc? Ours also contained keys that I have no idea what to, broken bead key rings that I mean to get around to repairing, glow balls that change colour, a personal recipe book from my uncle's mother written in the 1890's that I want to type up and share with the family, numerous RSL art union tickets (as in the home pictured above - one day I hope they call me to tell me I've won), seed packets, need I go on? I decided the New Year was a great time to get to and sort out those little areas of my life that haven't quite made it into the order that the rest of the house is finding. Little pockets of stagnation - time to go.

On Organize Your Life - Organize Your Home it is suggested that we should have 3-4 declutters a year. Just prior to Christmas the electric walker was donated to charity, we had good intentions when a friend was giving it away and thought yes, just what we need, we'll walk when it's raining - we'll put it under the deck and go down and walk - no we didn't. So eventually it just got dusty with all the building work we have been doing and I thought it best to give it to someone who could use it.

So today I am off to the office, and decluttering there, I have that many CD's with information storage on them, I have to work out what to do there yet.

So Happy New Year - how's your clutter?

How a simple change can make such a difference.

I started this blog so many years ago, and over the years it was a lovely way of keeping a diary. Then, I was playing around with the s...