Don't you love it when an unexpected treasure comes your way? For me books are among my greatest treasures. Rita Golden Gelman is one author who has recently arrived in my world through her book Tales of a Female Nomad. I was shopping in the Salvos the other day, one of the places I find my book treasures, when this book seemed to jump into my view. I love autobiographies and tales of a person's life, so I quickly placed it in my take home pile.
So far with Rita's writing, I have visited Israel, Indonesia, Mexico - places I wouldn't normally think of travelling to. I am treasuring the last quarter of the book that is left to read, I pat it gently as I put it down on my bedside table, reassured that our journey together is not yet done. I am already wondering where I'll discover more of her work and the sequel - Female Nomad and Friends.
The following is a review from, I couldn't express it better:
Some of us have an adventurous spirit and some of us like to dream about it, but very few can say they have been on a journey like this. This inspirational journey of a nomad will make you feel free and empowered to make choices.
This blog diary is about our mosaic life at Frangipani House; art, mindfulness, travel, walking with our little dog on the beach, the beauty in everyday life. Let the beauty of what you love, be what you do.
How a simple change can make such a difference.
I started this blog so many years ago, and over the years it was a lovely way of keeping a diary. Then one day, I was playing around wi...

White house on the water Art work by Kareen Three rules of work: out of clutter find simplicity; from discord find harmony; in the middle of...
At Frangipani House we believe that the internet is bringing us all closer as a world community... in that spirit we share information on ho...