Winner's Circle Network with Lou Tice - 6/3/11 - "Power of Beliefs & Expectations"
How important are beliefs and expectations in determining what happens to us in life?
They may be more important than you think.
Have you ever noticed that people who expect the best in life usually seem to get it? And have you noticed that the reverse also seems to be true? Do you think it happens that way due to coincidence or luck? Or is something else going on?
Here is what I think. One of the basic principles of the concepts I teach is that we move toward and become like that which we think about, and we behave not in accordance with the truth but with the truth as we perceive and believe it to be. So when you expect the best from yourself and others, you behave in ways that almost guarantee you are going to get it.
The same is true when you expect trouble. You set yourself up for trouble in countless little, and not so little, ways and sure enough, trouble shows up at your door. What do you expect for yourself? Do you expect to do the things you dream about or do you expect obstacles, opposition and eventual disappointment?
What do you expect from your kids, your spouse, and your co-workers? Do you expect excellence, integrity and respect? Or do you have to keep after them all the time to keep them from messing things up? Why not try expecting the best? It's a habit that can be learned and it's probably the best habit you can get your children into, too.
If you consistently and lovingly give them a better, much more positive expectation, they are far more likely to go out and make it happen.
Article by...
Lou Tice
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This blog diary is about our mosaic life at Frangipani House; art, mindfulness, travel, walking with our little dog on the beach, the beauty in everyday life. Let the beauty of what you love, be what you do.
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