Are you one of those people who is perfectly happy with yourself? Congratulations... ever thought of writing on how to become so? If you aren't perfectly happy with yourself and have a 'problem' with a part or parts of you, consider this; could the part that you keep obsessing on as your problem, actually be something you could turn into your best feature?
Take one of my students in Tango for example... she has large, long feet. She thinks they are a liability, but I see those feet as an asset in training. You see those feet once trained can become her most sought after feature. Tango requires the feet - especially the woman's feet to move with grace and perform little movements to embellish her dancing. Aside from dancing though my student's feet have taken her on many adventures... you see she is a traveller. Those feet have taken her around the world many times and led many adventures for groups... those feet have taken her on many bush walks every week. They are an amazing asset. But still she groans with desperation that they aren't perfect.
I wonder if we could start to see our worst feature as having a 'message' for us. Instead of looking at what we see as 'wrong' with us we could start to ask... what is the 'gift' in this part of me?