To Feng Shui or not to Feng Shui - I used to Feng Shui, but in the process realised that there is something more powerful. There is a secret underpinning Feng Shui and I'll share it with you.
The first Frangipani House I remember was my Aunty Harlein and Uncle Bruce's house in Dee Why. One of the first houses in Dee Why, it had a huge frangipani tree out the front. Inside that house, you would find amazing pieces of furniture - rooms full of wonderful things to look at. My Aunty loved to collect antiques and the front veranda room only had things made of brass in it. When I played hide and seek in that house, and was hiding under a piece of furniture, I would wonder why the legs of a table had feet with claws that held a ball of wood. It gave me fruit for my imagination, and I imagined that furniture walking around when no-one was watching.
Lots of love was present in that house and my Uncle loved to bake - so we always had pikelets or possum bellies to look forward to. MMM possum bellies... sounds like something out of the Clampets doesn't it? It was just savoury mince, but my uncle always had names for his food when kids were around... I think he loved to hear us go... URRRRRRRRRRRRGH yuckky. I never could try possum bellies, but I remember them fondly now.
My uncle Bruce's motto was to be found in a tapestry above the kitchen door...'Good Better Best, Never Let It Rest - Till your Good is Better and Your Better is Best'. He made the most wonderful sponge cakes in that kitchen. Sponge cakes that won prizes at the local church fetes. Always First Prize, and I know it drove the women church memebers crazy, trying to figure out how he did it. Sponge cakes that till today, no one I know can replicate. He made them with a special formula that he gave to me... and even I can't replicate it - and I have his old cake tins. You see he made those cakes with his own special love. Once he passed away, no one else could make those cakes the way he did - his love was unique.

The old home at 79 Pacific Parade Dee Why
Each one of those rooms in that house was special and filled with a unique love that was there because of how my Auntie Harlein and Uncle Bruce created it. Each of us has a unique ability to create a wonderful home... full of love and interesting bits and pieces of furniture even if it does come from the Salvos...
I'll give you the secret to Feng Shui - we don't need to be Feng Shui masters or even know about Feng Shui, we just need to know this... put your love into each room, fill it with welcome for each person who enters then bless each person as they enter in.