"A miserable person will not look beautiful through any amount of makeup. On the other hand, a happy person will shine through whatever mess might be dumped down from the balcony upstairs." Kirstie Alley.
The recent Pro Age Dove campaign has been a wonderful addition to our television screens and magazines. I wonder how many women will truly believe the add though? Can one add that helps our self esteem undo the work of thousands of adds telling us otherwise? Lets hope.
One woman I know hates other people to see her without makeup...she even tries to hide her head when she isn't wearing makeup. Funny thing is she looks so much nicer without it. I recently bought a 'age defying' foundation that was supposed to make my wrinkles look smaller, instead they seemed to emphasize them. I think I'll go back to the cheap brand that gives me a light cover.
How do you feel about yourself? Do you need to wear makeup? What do other women tell you? What are the messages you are receiving about yourself?