As we get older our physical bodies decline, but there is no need for our spiritual selves to decline. In fact, as we age it is a time when our spiritual self can be blossoming and bearing fruit. Instead of spending excessive amounts of time and focus on our physical being, what if we were to spend lots and lots of time on our spiritual well being? Now I am not saying ignore your physical body - we all know it is important to eat well, to dress ourselves lovingly and treat ourselves well. We are informed even on TV commercials now what types of food suit our bodies, and what types damage us. But do we know what things are good for us spiritually? Do we know what things damage us spiritually?
If your spirit could be likened to a tree - do you water your spiritual tree, and do you feed your spiritual tree? Is your tree growing strong, or is it withering? What types of fruit would your tree bear? The Bible tells us in Galations 5:22-23 that the fruit of the spirit is; love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. I imagine a tree with a variety of fruit that represents these spiritual fruits. I paint, and this verse in the Bible gives my artist's imagination, a wonderful image of a healthy tree flourishing with amazing fruit.
What if each day we consciously imagined that we are feeding the fruit of our tree by being kinder, more loving people? Listening to the still small voice of God each day, I work on the fruits of the spirit a little more. At the end of the day, I reflect on whether I helped this fruit, wither or grow a little more.
I invite you to join me.