We received the following email today from
The Salvos International Development - The Chicken or The Egg... This easter, consider buying a chicken for a family. ? A chicken ? you say ? Well not just a chicken, if you feel like it you can also buy a a goat, or a pig. By doing this you actually give people in a third world country a livelihood and a way for them to look after themselves... what a great idea... if it is in your heart to help someone in this way read on...

We found out that chickens are more fun than eggs!
Because...Chickens give eggs for protein
Offspring for sale
And support for veggie gardens
We also found that in Mozambique, Kenya and Tanzania, families are eagerly waiting for that chicken which will help them start their own small business, giving them much needed support for nutrition and income.
So...This Easter, buy a chicken instead of an egg!
And help us help widows, orphans and HIV/Aids patients receive an opportunity to participate in chicken projects.
How?Buy a chicken for $10 go to
salvos.org.au and click on the image of the "cool chicken