"Give a person a fish and you feed them for a day; teach that person to use the Internet and they won't bother you for weeks." Author Unknown
In the process of assisting my son create his new website Paradise-Treasures.com.au, I found a fantastic favicon generator. If you don't know what a favicon is, it is the little picture that you see just before the http on the address bar. Or if you bookmark sites - go to the Favourites file on your toolbar, then have a look at the little pictures that are along side the name of the site.
For some reason, search engines really like them, and if you check your website stats you will see the robots looking for one on your site. Anyway, if you have ever tried to make one from scratch, as I have, you will be blessing Dynamic Drive for making this very easy to use product for we who would love to be, however are not so great, computer nerds.
The generator can be found when you click here the site is called Dynamic Drive Favicon Generator.
Paradise Treasures has lots of treasures for your home from all over the world. Paradise-Treasures... they travel the world to exotic places so you don't have to - isn't that nice of them - you'd think he'd take his mother wouldn't you!?