Have you ever tried using the internet for inspiration? I do regularly, especially for images that may be uplifting or just to visit an online gallery - one that I may never visit in my daily life otherwise. Well today I was looking at Tiny Houses , and on the tiny house blog I noticed a gorgeous photo of zen rocks (the one featured above) I love zen rocks. So I googled Zen Rocks in the images choice, which took me to a series of photos of zen rocks. The image I selected took me to Creative Think.com which then suggested a site called Creating Passionate Users a blog on Random Blogging - hang on...isn't that what I was just doing? (she says as she looks around the room feeling slightly weird)(and your point is says her husband?)(oh shut up and go back to the cricket)
Apparently when you stumble on just the thing you need, from a seeming random source it is called Serendipity - maybe it was just time that I knew what that word was for when I was doing random searches. Serendipitous really.

Wikipedia says: "Serendipity is the effect by which one accidentally stumbles upon something fortunate, especially while looking for something entirely unrelated. The word has been voted as one of the ten English words that were hardest to translate in June 2004 by a British translation company."
Have you noticed Serendipity in your life lately? Sounds quite nice when you say it out loud... especially the dipity bit... dipity do da dipity ya my oh my what a wonderful day. (yes I know, I know it's zippity... go and watch the cricket with my husband)