"Anything you want to ask a teacher, ask yourself,
and wait for the answer in silence."

~Byron Katie 


  • You would learn stuff like this:
  • When loved ones come home, always run to greet them.
  • Never pass up the opportunity to go for a joyride.
  • Allow the experience of fresh air and the wind in your face to be pure ecstasy.
  • When it's in your best interest - practice obedience.
  • Let others know when they've invaded your territory.
  • Take naps and stretch before rising. Run, romp, and play daily.
  • Thrive on attention and let people touch you.
  • Avoid biting, when a simple growl will do.
  • On warm days, stop to lie on your back on the grass.
  • On hot days, drink lots of water and lay under a shady tree.
  • When you're happy, dance around and wiggle your entire body.
  • No matter how often you're scolded, don't buy into the guilt thing and pout - run right back and make friends.
  • Delight in the simple joy of a long walk.
  •  Eat with gusto and enthusiasm.
  •  Stop when you have had enough. Be loyal.
  • Never pretend to be something you're not.
  • If what you want lies buried, dig until you find it.
  • When someone is having a bad day, be silent, sit close by and nuzzle them gently.

Author Unknown

The Blind Side

Looking for a lovely video to uplift and inspire you?
Get out The Blind Side with Sandra Bullock


Monday: It's fun to cook for Kevin.  Today I made angel food cake. The recipe said beat 12 eggs separately.  The neighbours were nice enough to loan me extra bowls.

Tuesday: Kevin wanted fruit salad for supper.  The recipe said serve without dressing. So I didn't dress.  What a surprise when Kevin brought a friend home for supper.

Wednesday: A good day for rice. The recipe said wash thoroughly before steaming the rice. It seemed kind of silly but I took a bath anyway. I can't say it improved the rice any.

Thursday: Today Kevin asked for salad again. I tried a new recipe.  It said prepare ingredients, lay on a bed of lettuce one hour before serving. Kevin asked me why I was rolling around in the garden.

Friday: I found an easy recipe for cookies. It said put the ingredients in a bowl and beat it. There must have been something wrong with this recipe. When I got back, everything was the same as when I left it.

Saturday: Kevin did the shopping today and brought home a chicken.  He asked me to dress it for Sunday. For some reason Kevin keeps counting to ten.

Sunday: Kev's folks came to dinner. I wanted to serve roast, but all I had was hamburger. Suddenly I had a flash of genius. I put the hamburger in the oven and set the controls for roast. It still came out hamburger,
much to my disappointment.

GOOD NIGHT DEAR DIARY. This has been a very exciting week. I am eager for tomorrow to come so I can try out a new recipe on Kevin. If I can talk him into buying a bigger oven, I would like to surprise him with chocolate moose.



Two farmers were discussing politics and the first one says:

"I believe in a share and share alike policy. One where we are all equal."

"Well," replied the other farmer "I'm not sure about that.

What you mean is that if you have two horses you'd give me one?"

"Of course" says the first.

The second farmer continued: "and if you had two cars, you'd

give me one of them too?"  "Absolutely"
"So," says the second farmer, "if you had two pigs then you'd give me one of them?"

"Ah, now hang on a minute" says the first,  "you know I've got two pigs!"

Are you a Tango Addict?

How to tell if you are a Tango Addict... 

I am embarrassed to say, quite a few of these happen to be true. 

You keep a pair of dance shoes in your car.

You wish you paid more attention in high school Spanish class.

You've sold or moved most of your furniture to give yourself practice space.

You make sure you never run out of breath mints.

You no longer freak out at the prospect of leading a boleo.

You travel interstate to tango.

You've had the big tango-fight with your partner - then your friends - then your teacher.

You listen to tango music when you're not at a practica or milonga.

You bring your ankles and knees together all the time, even in the elevator.

You plan the rest of your social life so it doesn't conflict with tango nights.

You own a bootleg copy of Tango Bar.

Your wardrobe is predominantly black.

Ocho is more than just a number.

Your fantasy travel destination is Buenos Aires.

You are unable to schedule major surgery without compromising tango commitments.

You now view the world in terms of people who tango and those unfortunate souls who don't.

You've progressed from the practice hold to full contact tango.

One of the most exciting things in the world is to dance tango with a complete stranger.

You have been known to sing in the ear of your partner while dancing.

You recognize that special glow in the night as another hotbed of tango erupts in the distance.

Your favorite color is tango black.

Friends and family automatically assume that you want tango-related birthday gifts.

You go through withdrawal without at least one tango-high per week.

Your descriptions of tango have shifted from "unbounded enthusiasm" to "you wouldn't understand..."

Your friends are secrectly plotting to kidnap you for a week of serious deprogramming.

You know who Carlos Gardel is.

You've stopped saying sorry when you screw up - you just tango out of the trouble you got into.

You have to work hard to maintain non-tango friendships (if you have any left).

You've been dancing a year and still don't get bored talking tango.

You have developed the ability to turn any conversation to tango within 2 minutes.

You no longer have parties at your house; you host milongas.

When you look in the mirror, you are usually looking at your feet.

Your shopping cart often substitutes as your dance partner.

You've figured out how to find the hidden tango sections in any record store.

Tango never fails to energize, no matter how tired you are.

Before traveling, you check out the net for tango events in that area.

You are willing to spend twice as much time driving to a milonga as you actually dance.

You automatically do something Tango-ish whenever you navigate through a crowd.

Your computer passwords at work are always phrases related to tango.

Your ear has been trained to recognize the tango possibilities in all forms of music.

You remember the place and partner with whom you danced your first real tango.

You bring your own tango CDs to wedding receptions to ensure that your requests will be played.

Tango has diminished, if not ruined, the appeal of every other dance you ever did.

Little else in your life gets done compared to your pre-tango days.

Your passion-index is much higher compared to your pre-tango days.

What pre-tango days?

You regularly shop the local Salvation Army to suppliment your tango wardrobe.

You have been spotted dancing tango in parking lots.

Posters for upcoming tango events are always magnetized to your refrigerator.

You have developed a healthy fear of foot injuries.

Your interest in shoes can easily be mistaken for a fetish.

You dance tango in your mind.

You have to dance. You have to dance.

You seek out stories from those who have danced tango in other countries.

The thought enters your mind that Johnny Cash was aware of tango black long before you.

You have found yourself caught in unusual situations that are best described as a Tango Moment.

You become associated with a signature move.

You have hosted someone from Buenos Aires at your home.

You can't resist dancing a few tango steps whenever you cross a wooden floor

You find that you sandwich feet far more often than shake hands

Whenever you wait in line, you must fight the urge to randomly gancho those around you

You've ditched the teacher who taught you all he knew, moved on to another travelling teacher, so you can pinch his moves and do demonstrations.

You've put your house on the market to support your tango habit

You're reading this to see if you are

Author Unkown

Ready to learn

I am always ready to learn
although I do not always like being taught.
Winston Churchill

Door of Happiness

"When one door of happiness closes, another opens.
But often we look so long at the closed door that
we do not see the one which has been opened before us."
Helen Keller

Walcha Art Gallery

One of Andreas Buisman's Stone Sculptures...
Stone Image from Walcha Art Gallery Click Here

I love it when out of the blue, you just happen to find yourself in the right place at the right time.  I was visiting Walcha for the golden oldies Rugby Union weekend, and as my hubby and I went to dinner, we happened across the opening night for Barbara McKay's Sands of Time exhibition.  The Walcha Gallery is a beautiful space to display art, and the gallery owner Carley is very welcoming.

 While we were there, I discovered that I am totally in love with Andreas Buisman's carvings.  I think I may have to go back and buy one next time we are up that way.  Andreas is a world renowned rock sculptor.

If you happen to be travelling through Walcha, take time to visit Walcha Gallery.

Global Art Peace Project

Have you seen the Global Art Project? 
If not it is very inspiring... click here to view the site, or watch a video below to learn more.

All things are possible for you.

I received this email today from www.dailyword.com I thought I'd share it here with you today. If you enjoy it, you can receive daily messages from Daily Word Click Here

Photo by Kareen Fellows

Pray for Others
I know that all things are possible, and I give thanks.

Dear one, I am praying for you today. You may be someone I have known for a long time or someone I just met, but regardless, I know you are divine in nature, a beloved creation of a loving God.

As I think of you, I envision perfection in mind, body and spirit. The presence of God within enables you to make wise choices and to heal in every way. God's abundance is in the very essence of your being. I envision you having everything you need to fulfill your hopes and desires.

I pray for you, and I release any need for a particular outcome. I know that all good things are possible for you and the people you care about, and for this, I give thanks.

We always pray for you, asking that our God will ... fulfill by his power every good resolve and work of faith.--2 Thessalonians 1:11

Fear of flying... well really it's fear of crashing isn't it?

If you have a fear of flying, did you know that....

More people are killed by donkeys annually than are killed
in plane crashes.

Are you no longer a Christian if you don't go to church?

"Faith can move mountains, but don't be surprised if God hands you a shovel". Author Unknown

After a conversation with a friend last night, I was left chewing over a comment she had made about whether you are a Christian or not.  She said, that according to study on Holiness and Sanctity that she had just undertaken, you are not a Christian if you don't go to church. 

I felt a quite unsettled, and sad, after the comment, so this morning when it was still bothering me, I meditated on the comment for a while, and decided to go to the source and asked God, 'was that comment I had heard, the truth?'  This is the answer that came to me - after a while.

Any thought of God that does not uplift you - or inspire you, is a lie.

The Path to Fulfillment

People take different roads seeking fulfillment and happiness. Just because they're not on your road doesn't mean they've gotten lost. H. Jackson Browne

The Girl with The Dragon Tattoo

It seems as though everywhere I go lately people are talking about The Girl with The Dragon Tattoo... Looks like I'll be going to Amazon again... I really like Amazon to deal with as the books usually arrive really quickly, even though the booksellers are often in some far away place. My last book was an antique one, from the far north of Scotland, and arrived with a lovely note from a bookstore there.

Hairspray Choreo - You Tube link

Received the link for the Hairspray Choreography today from The Australian Dance Festival...Click here to visit the site.

Well, other than being a whole lot of fun, it means that you can join in a World Record Attempt to raise funds for Father Chris Riley's Youth Off The Streets!!

Not only will you be learning and performing a dance number choreographed by Jason Coleman, but you will also be helping raise funds for Youth Off The Streets. Every dancer and school will register and donate $1 each in order to help those in our charity. Not to mention each school that registers will get one free day pass to the event worth $130 !!!

When: Saturday Morning the 4th of September, 7.30am – 8.30am
Where: Sydney Square (Open space between Sydney Town Hall & St Andrews Cathedral)

The Work - Byron Katie

"I discovered that when I believed my thoughts, I suffered, but that when I didn't believe them, I didn't suffer, and that this is true for every human being. Freedom is as simple as that. I found that suffering is optional. I found a joy within me that has never disappeared, not for a single moment. That joy is in everyone, always." — Byron Katie

You Tube video on Finding kindness and questioning stressful thoughts from 'The Work' by Byron Katie... Click on the arrow above to view video. View more at www.thework.com

Sustainable housing - Woodland House by Simon Dale

How gorgeous is this... have a look at Simon Dale.net

"You are looking at pictures of a house I built for our family in Wales. It was built by myself and my father in law with help from passers by and visiting friends. 4 months after starting we were moved in and cosy. I estimate 1000-1500 man hours and £3000 put in to this point. Not really so much in house buying terms (roughly £60/sq m excluding labour)." 
From Simon Dale.net - lots more wonderful inspiring pictures to see there.

It reminded me of one of the gorgeous
Hobbit houses on Lord of the Rings. 

Tiny House Get Away

Picture from: Tiny House Blog

I'd love to sit in this getaway tree-house, what I love about Tiny House Blog is that they show all sorts of homes that although they are TINY they give you a gorgeous home for not a lot of money, and it's all yours.

Oh for a Fabian Perez Art Work

Just sitting here, dreaming of owning an original Fabian Perez artwork.

I saw a print of the image above in a gallery in the Gold Coast... there are some wonderful Tango artworks as well as gorgeous scenes set in Buenos Aires at...  Fabian Perez.com

So talented and gorgeous as well.

How a simple change can make such a difference.

I started this blog so many years ago, and over the years it was a lovely way of keeping a diary. Then one day, I was playing around wi...