After working in Welfare for a while, it really came home to me how we can either stay stuck in a situation or decide to make a change and go for what we want in life. Watching other people stuck in certain areas, made me question, what areas in my life I needed to move in. It was quite a gift working in Welfare, as it has totally changed my outlook on life. It made me realise that all of us... no matter how bad a situation may look, can dig deep into our inner well of creativity and better our lives.
One way to start is to start searching the internet for newsletters and articles on how to live your life effectively. I regularly receive an email newsletter from the Pacific Institute, and this morning's newsletter is a fantastic one, you may wish to add their newsletter to your list... www.The Pacific Institute.com
Winner's Circle Network with Lou Tice - 11/3/09 - "Creating Your Own Reality"
Do you believe that you create your own reality? Or do you believe that reality is something "out there" over which you have no control?
As adults, we generate our experiences in life. While we can't control everything that happens to us, we can control how we respond. We can take responsibility for the results we experience in life. And when we do this, we grow enormously.
Television newsperson Dan Rather once said that John Kennedy became a true leader when he stood before the American people and said that the Bay of Pigs was an atrocity that never should have happened, and then took full responsibility for it. He was transformed from a promising young politician into a great leader.
The same is true for you and me. If we take responsibility for our lives - our reality - then we are in power. If we avoid it, then we have lost that power.
Who is responsible for the quality of your life? If you say someone else, you are trapped unless, or until, circumstances change. If you say, "I am," you give yourself the power to change things, if you choose to do so.
You see, the power to change resides where it has always resided - inside you. Take charge of your life, and you give yourself direction and purpose that has probably been missing. Will you be taking risks? Yes, you will, and you will probably make some mistakes. But show me a person who has never made a mistake, and I'll show you someone who hasn't lived.
Life is yours to be lived. Live it fully!
Lou Tice
The Pacific Institute
The Pacific Institute