Easter says you can put truth in a grave, but it won't stay there. Clarence W. Hall
Continuing with my Easter Egg theme for the weekend... here's a frangipani from our friends R & S's garden.
Had such a delightfully arty day today. We went on an art gallerying date. Val Allen has a fabulous exhibit at The Regional Gallery at The Glasshouse in Port along with the photography exhibit of Port from the Panthers Camera Club... as well as... The 2008 Jacaranda drawing prize.
Then we toddled off to Sea Acres which has some of Val Allen, Sue Bell, Jackie Deane and Di Greenwood's work on display... all of the art is very inspiring, my favourite was a quite wonderful seagull, but it had already been sold.
Julia Cameron in The Artist's Way suggests that if you are an aspiring artist to go on an artist date once a week. Try it and see if you are inspired to create more art.
The Glasshouse: www.glasshouse.org.au/
Julia Cameron: The Artist's Way www.theartistsway.com