"Listen to your inner voice and promise that you'll take positive action where you need to. If you've been addicted to a harmful substance, to overeating, or even to being a doormat, listen to the voice within that begs you to be big rather than small, and to take one corrective step." Dr. Wayne Dyer - Quote from Gregg Braden on Facebook.
The first time I became aware of my inner voice, over 30 years ago now, it was to give me information that my now ex husband was having an affair with my best friend. I didn't really want to hear that information, but it was correct. Wayne Dyer says the inner voice begs us to be big... for me it was a compelling message to speak during a time when I was afraid to speak at all... to open up a conversation on betrayal that ultimately ended my marriage. The voice that begged me to stop being small and take a stand. Even when I confronted the both of them, they told me nothing was going on, and that I was ruining the friendship with my accusations.
Then a day later my best friend tried to kill herself. It was her way out of the affair that had become too much to deal with. Luckily she called for help at the last moment, why she chose to call me to save her, is still beyond me. Perhaps it was because I chose to act on the intuitive lead that she felt she could reach out. Perhaps if I hadn't spoken up, her attempt would have been permanent... who knows. Once she was in the hospital a priest was called and she confessed to him about the affair and so all of the details finally came to light, and my marriage, and friendship was over.
I have read that our unconscious mind picks up small details and stores the information that is later transmitted to our conscious mind as intuitive feelings or messages, ones that our conscious mind didn't warn us about at the time, perhaps it was too painful to deal with or we had our minds on other things at that time, or perhaps our belief systems may have gotten in the road and blocked the information.
Sometimes your inner voice will warn you about people as well as substances, and will give you information that you need to heed... but the good old conscious mind - or other people can steer you away from that vital information that is coming through. Listen closely.