This blog diary is about our mosaic life at Frangipani House; art, mindfulness, travel, walking with our little dog on the beach, the beauty in everyday life. Let the beauty of what you love, be what you do.
Remembering 9/11 2011
How important it is for us to recognize
and celebrate our heroes and she-roes! - Maya Angelou
Remembering 9/11
May there be peace beyond all our understanding
Turn your wounds into wisdom. - Oprah Winfrey
Peace Pavillion - Gold Coast
On a recent visit to the Arts Centre at The Gold Coast, my sweetie and I discovered a gem in the middle of the park at the back of the centre. The Peace Pavillion. I don't know if the same feeling of peace will be felt by looking at these pictures, that I felt while wandering around there, but I hope so.
The Peace Pavillion... is dedicated to each person who spends a few moments of the day discovering inner peace. You are joining people from all over the world who celebrate peace as a an active part of their lives.
If peace were a picture what would it be?
If you could touch peace, how would it feel?
let your thoughts slow down completely,
Imagine you are spiritual light.
My natural positive energy is beginning to flow.
I am serene, calm and confident,
filling with lightness and ease.
Quietness encircles me
I feel close to the Source of peace and love
I absorb soothing streams of silence and power
Peace is mine I feel renewed.
I am a Peaceful Soul
and I take this into the world.
The Culture of Peace
Give Peace a chance... John Lennon
We walk together on sacred ground, Black feet, white feet, footprints soft upon the land. The Dreaming moves beneath our feet. The landscape is alive. Pitjantjatjara People.
It is important from time to time to slow down, to go away by yourself, and simply be. Eileen Caddy
Although it is difficult to bring about peace
Through internal transformation, this is the only way to achieve lasting peace. The Dalai Lama
It is only with the heart that I can really see.
What is essential is invisible to the eye. Antoine de St Exupery
We seek to heal our past and move on together. Mark Dodson
And the Peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds. Philippians 4
God is the friend of silence. Trees, flowers, grass grow in silence.
See the stars, moon, and sun how they move in silence. Mother Theresa
Aim at heaven and you will get the earth thrown in.
Aim at earth and you will get neither. CS Lewis
Peace is the vessel in which all blessings are contained. The Talmud
I believe in the sun even when it is not shining. Anne Frank
It gets dark sometimes, but morning comes. Keep hope alive. Rev Jesse Jackson
Reach out for your spiritual side, for it is the only possible way that you can be who you are... Receive the fullness in your heart that is yours for we are of a spiritual design and destiny my brothers and sisters. The Confederation Tribes of Warm Springs Oregon
"Would you tell me please, which way I ought to go from here?" asked Alice
"That depends a great deal on where you want to get to". said the Cat
Lewis Carroll
When you do the things that you can do, you will find the Way and the Way will follow you. Winnie the Pooh
Be melting snow. Wash yourself of yourself. Rumi
Peace and happiness is our own eternal nature. Dadi Janki
The most beautiful thing we can experience is the mysterious. Albert Einstein
I never found the companion that was as companionable as solitude. Henry David Thoreau
It is possible to become happy
It is possible to become free
It is possible to become peaceful
It is possible to bring into your life
the companionship of God.
These are extraordinary times
The Peace Pavillion was donated by The Brahma Kumaris click here
TED Talk - the internet filter bubble
From: The Filter Every year, thousands of entrepreneurs, change-makers, innovators and scientists gather in Long Beach, California for TED, the world’s leading thought conference. In 2011, the audience included executives from Facebook, Google, Microsoft, Yahoo, and many other Silicon Valley startups.
So when Eli Pariser explained the filter bubble concept and then called on them from the main stage to change how they do business, it wasn’t at all clear how they’d react. Watch the video to see what happened:
So when Eli Pariser explained the filter bubble concept and then called on them from the main stage to change how they do business, it wasn’t at all clear how they’d react. Watch the video to see what happened:
Wherever your path may lead you today
May there be angels before you, angels behind you, angels surrounding you. May there be peace on your path and joy in your spirit.
Click here for Flags for your garden
Click here for Flags for your garden
What are you grateful for today?
I spotted this image on Cheryl Richardson's facebook page... it is by Melissa.
Power of Beliefs and Expectations
Winner's Circle Network with Lou Tice - 6/3/11 - "Power of Beliefs & Expectations"
How important are beliefs and expectations in determining what happens to us in life?
They may be more important than you think.
Have you ever noticed that people who expect the best in life usually seem to get it? And have you noticed that the reverse also seems to be true? Do you think it happens that way due to coincidence or luck? Or is something else going on?
Here is what I think. One of the basic principles of the concepts I teach is that we move toward and become like that which we think about, and we behave not in accordance with the truth but with the truth as we perceive and believe it to be. So when you expect the best from yourself and others, you behave in ways that almost guarantee you are going to get it.
The same is true when you expect trouble. You set yourself up for trouble in countless little, and not so little, ways and sure enough, trouble shows up at your door. What do you expect for yourself? Do you expect to do the things you dream about or do you expect obstacles, opposition and eventual disappointment?
What do you expect from your kids, your spouse, and your co-workers? Do you expect excellence, integrity and respect? Or do you have to keep after them all the time to keep them from messing things up? Why not try expecting the best? It's a habit that can be learned and it's probably the best habit you can get your children into, too.
If you consistently and lovingly give them a better, much more positive expectation, they are far more likely to go out and make it happen.
Article by...
Lou Tice
To subscribe to these newseltters go to: The Pacific Institute
How important are beliefs and expectations in determining what happens to us in life?
They may be more important than you think.
Have you ever noticed that people who expect the best in life usually seem to get it? And have you noticed that the reverse also seems to be true? Do you think it happens that way due to coincidence or luck? Or is something else going on?
Here is what I think. One of the basic principles of the concepts I teach is that we move toward and become like that which we think about, and we behave not in accordance with the truth but with the truth as we perceive and believe it to be. So when you expect the best from yourself and others, you behave in ways that almost guarantee you are going to get it.
The same is true when you expect trouble. You set yourself up for trouble in countless little, and not so little, ways and sure enough, trouble shows up at your door. What do you expect for yourself? Do you expect to do the things you dream about or do you expect obstacles, opposition and eventual disappointment?
What do you expect from your kids, your spouse, and your co-workers? Do you expect excellence, integrity and respect? Or do you have to keep after them all the time to keep them from messing things up? Why not try expecting the best? It's a habit that can be learned and it's probably the best habit you can get your children into, too.
If you consistently and lovingly give them a better, much more positive expectation, they are far more likely to go out and make it happen.
Article by...
Lou Tice
To subscribe to these newseltters go to: The Pacific Institute
We're stronger when we're together
In the last few months, the world has seen its share of natural disasters, from the earthquakes in New Zealand and Japan to the tornados and river flooding here in the United States. In each instance, the aftermath has been almost unbearable to watch. What happened was outside human control. Nothing we can do - at least at this point in time - can prevent natural disasters like these. All we can do is be as prepared as possible for the unknown.
For most cities, counties, states and nations, we prepare for the practical response. Here in Seattle, where we sit in the Pacific Ocean's "Rim of Fire," we prepare for earthquakes, severe weather and flooding. Seattle's "3 Days, 3 Ways" program helps us prepare to take care of ourselves - to survive - for three days.
And while the practical approach takes care of the body's need to survive, we also need to take care of how our minds approach coping with disaster. Rebounding from disaster takes a conscious effort to control our self-talk in order to remain positive. Looking beyond ourselves, by helping others, is a great assist in aiding our own positive self-talk. Making the effort to visualize what our worlds will look like, once the current situation is fixed, provides a path to follow. And reinforcing that vision with positive affirmations goes a long way towards avoiding the pitfalls of a downward spiral.
And one more thing: Let others help you, as you help others. The sense of a community working together to solve a problem is a powerful thing. We are stronger together than we are alone, no matter what the obstacle.
Article by: Lou Tice
View more articles or sign up for Lou Tice's wonderful newsletters at:The Pacific Institute
For most cities, counties, states and nations, we prepare for the practical response. Here in Seattle, where we sit in the Pacific Ocean's "Rim of Fire," we prepare for earthquakes, severe weather and flooding. Seattle's "3 Days, 3 Ways" program helps us prepare to take care of ourselves - to survive - for three days.
And while the practical approach takes care of the body's need to survive, we also need to take care of how our minds approach coping with disaster. Rebounding from disaster takes a conscious effort to control our self-talk in order to remain positive. Looking beyond ourselves, by helping others, is a great assist in aiding our own positive self-talk. Making the effort to visualize what our worlds will look like, once the current situation is fixed, provides a path to follow. And reinforcing that vision with positive affirmations goes a long way towards avoiding the pitfalls of a downward spiral.
And one more thing: Let others help you, as you help others. The sense of a community working together to solve a problem is a powerful thing. We are stronger together than we are alone, no matter what the obstacle.
Article by: Lou Tice
View more articles or sign up for Lou Tice's wonderful newsletters at:The Pacific Institute
The tale of the Pashmina
My cousin sent me an email with a link to Jeanne Robertson the other day, well once I was on her site, I couldn't leave till I had watched all the videos there. What a lovely healing fun time you can spend with Jeanne... I hope you enjoy a good laugh...
Tales of a Female Nomad
Don't you love it when an unexpected treasure comes your way? For me books are among my greatest treasures. Rita Golden Gelman is one author who has recently arrived in my world through her book Tales of a Female Nomad. I was shopping in the Salvos the other day, one of the places I find my book treasures, when this book seemed to jump into my view. I love autobiographies and tales of a person's life, so I quickly placed it in my take home pile.
So far with Rita's writing, I have visited Israel, Indonesia, Mexico - places I wouldn't normally think of travelling to. I am treasuring the last quarter of the book that is left to read, I pat it gently as I put it down on my bedside table, reassured that our journey together is not yet done. I am already wondering where I'll discover more of her work and the sequel - Female Nomad and Friends.
The following is a review from, I couldn't express it better:
Some of us have an adventurous spirit and some of us like to dream about it, but very few can say they have been on a journey like this. This inspirational journey of a nomad will make you feel free and empowered to make choices.
So far with Rita's writing, I have visited Israel, Indonesia, Mexico - places I wouldn't normally think of travelling to. I am treasuring the last quarter of the book that is left to read, I pat it gently as I put it down on my bedside table, reassured that our journey together is not yet done. I am already wondering where I'll discover more of her work and the sequel - Female Nomad and Friends.
The following is a review from, I couldn't express it better:
Some of us have an adventurous spirit and some of us like to dream about it, but very few can say they have been on a journey like this. This inspirational journey of a nomad will make you feel free and empowered to make choices.
Fund Raiser for Bear Cottage - Win a Hanse Yacht...
Bear Cottage Go Fundraise - Click here for info
Bear Cottage, located in Manly, is a children’s hospice – a very special place dedicated to caring for children with life-limiting conditions and their families. At Bear Cottage, every life, however short, is enriched, enjoyed and celebrated.
Bear Cottage is a place, where cherished moments and special memories are created – a place where life is for living. Whilst staying at Bear Cottage, families receive individual, specialised support delivered by a team of dedicated and highly skilled professionals.
A stay at this home away from home is exactly what each family needs it to be. Families do not pay for any services they receive from Bear Cottage, instead the $2.5 million required to keep the doors open each year are raised entirely by the community.
For more information visit the Bear Cottage Website
Bear Cottage, located in Manly, is a children’s hospice – a very special place dedicated to caring for children with life-limiting conditions and their families. At Bear Cottage, every life, however short, is enriched, enjoyed and celebrated.
Bear Cottage is a place, where cherished moments and special memories are created – a place where life is for living. Whilst staying at Bear Cottage, families receive individual, specialised support delivered by a team of dedicated and highly skilled professionals.
A stay at this home away from home is exactly what each family needs it to be. Families do not pay for any services they receive from Bear Cottage, instead the $2.5 million required to keep the doors open each year are raised entirely by the community.
For more information visit the Bear Cottage Website
2011 Is The Year!
The predictions for 2012 have been misinterpreted. The “end of the world” doesn’t refer to the end of the physical world, but refers to the end of old, dysfunctional ways of thinking about the world. It is our mindset, our concept of the world that will end and be replaced with a healthier, more appropriate understanding of what we need to do to make the world work for everyone. This shift in planetary consciousness will be beneficial and help us make the necessary transition to a sustainable world with greater peace and happiness and a higher quality of life.
An excerpt of the article 2011 is The Year! by William Rand.
Read the entire article at: Reiki Web Store There are some excellent uplifting articles to be found there.
An excerpt of the article 2011 is The Year! by William Rand.
Read the entire article at: Reiki Web Store There are some excellent uplifting articles to be found there.
Zentangle Easter Eggs
Here's something a little bit different this Easter, Zentangle Easter Eggs image from
Emergency Fair Dinkum by Leanne Prussing
Emergency Fairdinkum by our lovely friend Leanne Prussing - has been announced as a finalist in the Sulman Prize... NSW Art Gallery - Sulman Prize
The helping hand of a neighbour
'The impersonal hand of government can never replace the helping hand of a neighbor'. Hubert H. Humphrey
Focus for the Planet right now...
There is a lot of fear around right now on our earth, with reports from Japan, Christchurch, Libya - it seems as though everytime we turn on the TV there is something else wrong. Let's all work together to pray/meditate/focus on good things for the earth, the plants, the animals, and the people. I just read the following quote from Louise Hay on facebook, and it reminded me to keep focussed...
"There is so much good I can do for the planet. At times, I may work for causes.
At other times, I may use the power of my thoughts to help heal the planet.
If I hear news of a world disaster or acts of senseless violence, I immediately surround the whole situation with love.
I send positive energy and do visualizations, seeing the incident working out with a solution that is best for everyone." - Louise L. Hay
"There is so much good I can do for the planet. At times, I may work for causes.
At other times, I may use the power of my thoughts to help heal the planet.
If I hear news of a world disaster or acts of senseless violence, I immediately surround the whole situation with love.
I send positive energy and do visualizations, seeing the incident working out with a solution that is best for everyone." - Louise L. Hay
You can bury a lot of troubles digging in the dirt. - Author Unknown
I can't think of a better therapy to prescribe - for any of us really - than to go and create a garden, to tend it each day, and water it, weed it, and share it with someone else, whether it is someone that happens to walk by, or someone to help you in it. Dig that dirt, tell it your troubles, plant your seeds, and wait for spring, mourn over the plants that die, and watch as leaves fall. Watch as the years turn and marvel over your garden. Plant trees and flowers and vegetables to remind you of friends or relatives no longer with you. Pick the flowers when they bloom and remember them tenderly. Cook the recipes that loved ones nurtured you with. Create a wonderful - marvellous soul place for yourself... over the years.
I can't think of a better therapy to prescribe - for any of us really - than to go and create a garden, to tend it each day, and water it, weed it, and share it with someone else, whether it is someone that happens to walk by, or someone to help you in it. Dig that dirt, tell it your troubles, plant your seeds, and wait for spring, mourn over the plants that die, and watch as leaves fall. Watch as the years turn and marvel over your garden. Plant trees and flowers and vegetables to remind you of friends or relatives no longer with you. Pick the flowers when they bloom and remember them tenderly. Cook the recipes that loved ones nurtured you with. Create a wonderful - marvellous soul place for yourself... over the years.
shredding oranges and scrubbing the floor
I got the blues thinking of the future, so I left off and made some marmalade. It's amazing how it cheers one up to shred oranges and scrub the floor. - D.H. Lawrence
My theory on housework is...
My theory on housework is, if the item doesn't multiply, smell, catch fire, or block the refrigerator door, let it be. No one else cares. Why should you? Erma Bombeck
I love Erma Bomeck, I just wish I could be as easy going as the quote above. Unfortunately, when I sit down, even if I have been busy tiding, there is a part of me that notices the dust, and the things that still need doing, and it's usually about that time that my very household efficient sister-in-law comes to visit.
Ah well.
To view more pics for the house above click here.
I love Erma Bomeck, I just wish I could be as easy going as the quote above. Unfortunately, when I sit down, even if I have been busy tiding, there is a part of me that notices the dust, and the things that still need doing, and it's usually about that time that my very household efficient sister-in-law comes to visit.
Ah well.
To view more pics for the house above click here.
Family faces are magic mirrors...
Family faces are magic mirrors. Looking at people who belong to us, we see the past, present, and future. - Gail Lumet Buckley
Every house where love abides
Every house where love abides
And friendship is a guest,
Is surely home, and home sweet home
For there the heart can rest.
- Henry Van Dyke
And friendship is a guest,
Is surely home, and home sweet home
For there the heart can rest.
- Henry Van Dyke
I think I've found the next Frangipani House
I think I've found the next Frangipani House, here it is in Byron Bay,
now all I need is the $8 million to buy it... to see more pictures, you'll have to go to...
now all I need is the $8 million to buy it... to see more pictures, you'll have to go to...
Clear Vision
I loved this email from Daily today on Clear Vision
I establish peace, love and abundance in my thoughts and in my life.
Just as I may allow clutter to accumulate in a closet or drawer, I may allow thoughts and feelings to accumulate in my heart and mind. Some of these thoughts may be useful, but some may be error thoughts that crowd out space for new ideas.
Today I do not delay the task of looking and seeing with clear vision what is true and what is error. I hold my thoughts up to the light of the Christ within me and claim only those thoughts that resonate peace, love and abundance. I discard and clear out any thoughts of fear, lack, disease or unworthiness. Clearing frees me. By establishing peace, love and abundance in my thoughts, I allow God's good to fill my mind and heart.
Create in me a clean heart, O God, and put a new and right spirit within me.--Psalm 51:10
I establish peace, love and abundance in my thoughts and in my life.
Just as I may allow clutter to accumulate in a closet or drawer, I may allow thoughts and feelings to accumulate in my heart and mind. Some of these thoughts may be useful, but some may be error thoughts that crowd out space for new ideas.
Today I do not delay the task of looking and seeing with clear vision what is true and what is error. I hold my thoughts up to the light of the Christ within me and claim only those thoughts that resonate peace, love and abundance. I discard and clear out any thoughts of fear, lack, disease or unworthiness. Clearing frees me. By establishing peace, love and abundance in my thoughts, I allow God's good to fill my mind and heart.
Create in me a clean heart, O God, and put a new and right spirit within me.--Psalm 51:10
Baby Sun Hat
How adorable is this sun hat? Our creative friend Nillin made it - you can buy one at what I love about it is that not only does it keep your little treasure sun safe but it is also hand made and has lots of love sewn into it.Sun Hat click here
Never be ashamed of tears
"Heaven knows we need never be ashamed of our tears, for they are rain upon the blinding dust of earth, overlying our hard hearts." Charles Dickens, Great Expectations, 1860
Golf Questions
Golf Questions
Jill: I just don't understand the attraction golf holds for men.
Mary: TELL me about it! I went golfing with my husband one time,
and he told me I asked too many questions!
Jill: Well, I'm sure you were just trying to understand the game.
What questions did you ask?
Mary: I thought I asked legitimate questions . . . like,
"Why did you hit the ball into that lake?"
from Mountain
Jill: I just don't understand the attraction golf holds for men.
Mary: TELL me about it! I went golfing with my husband one time,
and he told me I asked too many questions!
Jill: Well, I'm sure you were just trying to understand the game.
What questions did you ask?
Mary: I thought I asked legitimate questions . . . like,
"Why did you hit the ball into that lake?"
from Mountain
Decluttering our Frangipani House
Well I am a very happy girl today, I finally got around to decluttering our junk cupboard. Do you have one of those, you know where all those interesting bits of mail seem to gather, the things you need to get around to, things that need to go back to the shop etc? Ours also contained keys that I have no idea what to, broken bead key rings that I mean to get around to repairing, glow balls that change colour, a personal recipe book from my uncle's mother written in the 1890's that I want to type up and share with the family, numerous RSL art union tickets (as in the home pictured above - one day I hope they call me to tell me I've won), seed packets, need I go on? I decided the New Year was a great time to get to and sort out those little areas of my life that haven't quite made it into the order that the rest of the house is finding. Little pockets of stagnation - time to go.
On Organize Your Life - Organize Your Home it is suggested that we should have 3-4 declutters a year. Just prior to Christmas the electric walker was donated to charity, we had good intentions when a friend was giving it away and thought yes, just what we need, we'll walk when it's raining - we'll put it under the deck and go down and walk - no we didn't. So eventually it just got dusty with all the building work we have been doing and I thought it best to give it to someone who could use it.
So today I am off to the office, and decluttering there, I have that many CD's with information storage on them, I have to work out what to do there yet.
So Happy New Year - how's your clutter?
On Organize Your Life - Organize Your Home it is suggested that we should have 3-4 declutters a year. Just prior to Christmas the electric walker was donated to charity, we had good intentions when a friend was giving it away and thought yes, just what we need, we'll walk when it's raining - we'll put it under the deck and go down and walk - no we didn't. So eventually it just got dusty with all the building work we have been doing and I thought it best to give it to someone who could use it.
So today I am off to the office, and decluttering there, I have that many CD's with information storage on them, I have to work out what to do there yet.
So Happy New Year - how's your clutter?
Take time out to unwind today
Take time to relax today, even if it is for a two minute break, on your own, take time to stop, let your thoughts drift, and simply focus on your breath, breath in and breath out. The image of the home featured above, plus more gorgeous shots... visit...
Cute as a button for a birthday...
Just decorating our home for a birthday party tomorrow, and as I was looking for some ideas for birthday bunting... look what I came across... how cute is this birthday wreath? It is from The Creative Homemaker... click here now I am back off to the supermarket for more balloons...
Happy New Year for 2111
Happy New Year for 2111 - well I wonder what this year will bring. Along with my goals and hopes and dreams for the year, I hope that it will bring us all, friendships, love, caring, fun, sharing, hope, laughter, and great surprises. May you and your family be richly blessed.
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How a simple change can make such a difference.
I started this blog so many years ago, and over the years it was a lovely way of keeping a diary. Then one day, I was playing around wi...

White house on the water Art work by Kareen Three rules of work: out of clutter find simplicity; from discord find harmony; in the middle of...
At Frangipani House we believe that the internet is bringing us all closer as a world community... in that spirit we share information on ho...