How was your Christmas, was it calm and collected, did you keep to your budget? Congratulations... have you thought about writing a book about how to do it? You'll make a fortune, maybe even end up on Oprah.
If however you are anything like the majority of us, getting caught up in the hectic pre Christmas rush and then getting caught up in the emotional ups and downs that can be Christmas... this post Christmas time can be one where we can take time out to reflect on what has just happened.
I wonder what would have happened to the Frangipani on this van, if it had thought, 'well this is no place for me, and no one listens to me, and no one has ever loved me enough to plant me in dirt so I am not going to bloom I am just going to sit here on this van and keep my flowers locked inside me so there'.
Yet as humans we occasionally partake in this kind of thinking... I wonder what flowers each of us has locked inside us just waiting to bloom, no matter what the circumstances.