Mele Kalikimaka - The Gift

A recent happening at a Volunteer organisation I help out at, has made me stop and rethink what my gifts are, and reflect on whether I have been trying to fill a role that would best be filled by someone else. Perhaps you are trying to work in an area that is really not even you - not one of your gifts. An expert in the area of personal development once told me that trying is dying. Stop trying and just do it. But what if trying is a message about how you are living your life - that something is out of whack.

Trying is becoming a signal to me. If I find myself trying too hard, it means that I am not using my gifts in the area that I am meant to be. If I am trying it means that I am working outside my gifted area and therefore things are difficult. To give you an idea of what I mean here... my mum is a gifted designer and real estate person. Now she is not an accountant or even interested in reading books. Does that mean that she should judge herself as stupid because she can't make it as an accountant or librarian in this life? No - all she needs do is to simply recognise that her gift is a homemaker. That she gives encouragement and love through her design work. Even though it is 'only' for her family and friends, every time I visit her house I am uplifted.

One of my friends said to me, 'if you find yourself meeting too many blocks in your path, mabe you are on a parrallel path to the one you need to be on'. I love this way to think, it gives me a simple method to look around and start over. My volunteer time has helped me to understand that I am 'trying' to give a gift I don't possess. I have been a round peg in a square hole. My 'gifts' involve anything to do with the arts. That is where I belong that is where I can give to the world.

One of my friends has many gifts including being a fabulous baker, homemaker and artist... When I go to visit her I am surrounded by her colourful artworks, her wonderful way of decorating and then I receive another of her gifts... being nurtured with her food. Yet another of my friends has the gift of humour when I visit her I am uplifted with her light way of seeing the world. Another of my friends has this gift... she can give you a hug that warms you to the very core of your being... she is truly present with each person she meets and I am sure each person goes away feeling absolutely treasured and special. One of my friends is rapidly becoming an expert in the 12 step program... it is one of her gifts now to see into personal situations very clearly and give 'real' clarity to others.

I wonder if we approached employment from a different perspective... looking not into what is 'out there' to do, and rather looking 'inward first' into what our gifts are. Then give that gift out to the world in our work. How would our live's change? How would our attitude to work be? Of course we would still have challenges but what great challenges.

What are your gifts? If you don't recognise them, perhaps a friend could help you discover them. If you know what your gifts are... do you share them with the world?

How a simple change can make such a difference.

I started this blog so many years ago, and over the years it was a lovely way of keeping a diary. Then one day, I was playing around wi...