- Julia Peterkin, A Plantation Christmas, 1934
I was such a lucky child, I was brought up by a Mum, who planned Christmas throughout the year, just for the sake of bringing Joy to her family on Christmas Day. My Mum lived on a very limited budget and yet, she managed to put away a little money each week, that went to making her family Christmas a very special one. It must have been tempting to spend that money on herself at times, yet she never did. How lucky my sister and I were, to wake up on Christmas morning with presents under the tree, gleaming in the twinkling lights. They weren't hugely expensive presents, but they were given from her heart, with an intention that was created throughout the previous year. What wonderful memories I have.
Instead of wondering what present will be impressive enough for people, rethink your motives this Christmas, and wonder, what present will bring the most Joy? Maybe you won't even have to spend any money, maybe you could write a letter that says how much that person is appreciated. My girlfriend's Dad was an alcoholic, who left the family and was homeless, yet every birthday and every Christmas, she received a eucalyptus leaf that was painted especially for her. The leaves had little messages of caring for her written on them. Those leaves took pride of place on her mantle piece.
This year get a bit creative and give from your heart simply for another person's Joy.