Sunset 2007 My Prayer for You

Sunset 2007 My Prayer for You

I pray that you have people around you who love you,
and I hope that you show others that you love them.
I pray that you have a rich and loving family life
and friends to talk to, laugh, love and cry with.
I pray that you always have food on your table,
and hope in your heart,
for yourself, your family and this world we live in.
This is my prayer for you.


Om Mani Bowl

View more art at:

I have been going through my happiness journal recently, and in it I had written about goals I would like to achieve or things I would like to have in my life. I notice that nearly all of them have come into fruition. However one area of my life that I love I notice that I have been really slack with is my art this year. I have hardly produced anything.

On a visit to the newly opened gallery in Ballina, I spoke to one of the artists, who mentioned that she had gone through a tough time of late. However she noticed also that she had produced 27 paintings during this time. Art can be a great way to express inner stresses and help yourself to come to terms with whatever issues are going on in life. Picasso said that 'art is simply another way of creating a diary'.

I notice that when I view my art from a journal or diary perspective it tells a lot. The Hawaiian artwork I do reflects time I spent learning about Hawaiian myths during my Hawaiian Bodywork Training. The Om Mani Bowl artwork above was one that I did when the Dalai Lama's Gyuto Monks visited Port Macquarie. I attended some of their workshops and went to the chanting night. (If you haven't ever seen them, next time they are in your town pay them a visit. You don't have to be Buddhist to attend there is some beautiful philosophy to be learned through them.)

I started to paint four artworks for the church I attend this year, the theme was on Peace, Hope, Love and Joy. The art just wasn't progressing as I wanted. I had been rushing around helping out at church then rushing around at home getting Christmas presents organised I am sure I don't have to elaborate on the usual Christmas hurry... and I realised attempting to paint in a rush with all that was going on at Christmas time, simply wasn't conveying the Peace, Hope, Love and Joy I wanted, so they are now in the art cupboard, waiting for me. Reminding me every time I open the cupboard door... 'are you ready to be more Peacful, Hopeful, Loving and Joyfull yet?' Groaning I shut the door and rush around getting the house ready for more holiday visitors.

Well I am off to my paint pots - what are you doing today? I think I'll finish my mermaid... I keep seeing the Ballina mermaid everytime I cross the bridge to go for my walk and I love her so I am doing my own version.

To the illumined

To the illumined man or woman,
a clod of dirt,
a stone,
and gold are all the same.

Bhagavad Gita

Looking for stone images - check

Christmas Tree Art - Creating a family tradition

Traditions are important for families, here is one of ours. A few years ago I painted the Mele Kalikimaka Palm tree, then it occured to me to paint in the year on one of the bauble as Christmas day arrived. It started a Christmas tradition in our family, my grand daughter Indi selects the bauble on the Christmas Tree Palm, to paint the current year on. This year, in addition to painting on the Palm tree in our home, Indi wanted to create her own artwork to have at her own home. Here she is painting. It's a fun tradition that is easy to do... Do you have a Christmas tradition?

Butterfly in My Garden

Sometimes nature surprises me with it's beauty... I was busily writing this morning, and when I looked up from my computer this butterfly was flitting about on the zinnias I have planted outside my office. Isn't it gorgeous? I had a lovely time standing still waiting to take pictures of it to share with you today... enjoy.

Blooming Marrrrvelous Frangis

Frangipanis Blooming on a Van in Ballina

How was your Christmas, was it calm and collected, did you keep to your budget? Congratulations... have you thought about writing a book about how to do it? You'll make a fortune, maybe even end up on Oprah.

If however you are anything like the majority of us, getting caught up in the hectic pre Christmas rush and then getting caught up in the emotional ups and downs that can be Christmas... this post Christmas time can be one where we can take time out to reflect on what has just happened.

I wonder what would have happened to the Frangipani on this van, if it had thought, 'well this is no place for me, and no one listens to me, and no one has ever loved me enough to plant me in dirt so I am not going to bloom I am just going to sit here on this van and keep my flowers locked inside me so there'.

Yet as humans we occasionally partake in this kind of thinking... I wonder what flowers each of us has locked inside us just waiting to bloom, no matter what the circumstances.


The Mele Kalikimaka Palm
at Frangipani House

I want to invite you to be a secret santa this year. It isn't that difficult... just start to pay attention when you are out and about to conversations that are happening around you. Chances are there is someone who really needs a Secret Santa this year. Listen carefully to what people are saying... things like 'well I won't be getting any presents this year' is an opportunity for you to alert your Secret Santa to take action. Or maybe when you are standing in line in a grocery isle and you see someone struggling to find that extra few dollars to pay their grocery bill... or see someone putting back groceries that they can't afford... that is all a sign that Secret Santa could come into action.

Another place to look for Secret Santa opportunities... caravan parks. Simply ask the park office if anyone there could use a Secret Santa... make up a hamper of food. There are so many people in need of Hope this year... it could be you that makes a difference.

Mele Kalikimaka - Memories of Christmas Past

I hear that in many places something has happened to Christmas; that it is changing from a time of merriment and carefree gaiety to a holiday which is filled with tedium; that many people dread the day and the obligation to give Christmas presents is a nightmare to weary, bored souls; that the children of enlightened parents no longer believe in Santa Claus; that all in all, the effort to be happy and have pleasure makes many honest hearts grow dark with despair instead of beaming with good will and cheerfulness.
- Julia Peterkin, A Plantation Christmas, 1934

I was such a lucky child, I was brought up by a Mum, who planned Christmas throughout the year, just for the sake of bringing Joy to her family on Christmas Day. My Mum lived on a very limited budget and yet, she managed to put away a little money each week, that went to making her family Christmas a very special one. It must have been tempting to spend that money on herself at times, yet she never did. How lucky my sister and I were, to wake up on Christmas morning with presents under the tree, gleaming in the twinkling lights. They weren't hugely expensive presents, but they were given from her heart, with an intention that was created throughout the previous year. What wonderful memories I have.

Instead of wondering what present will be impressive enough for people, rethink your motives this Christmas, and wonder, what present will bring the most Joy? Maybe you won't even have to spend any money, maybe you could write a letter that says how much that person is appreciated. My girlfriend's Dad was an alcoholic, who left the family and was homeless, yet every birthday and every Christmas, she received a eucalyptus leaf that was painted especially for her. The leaves had little messages of caring for her written on them. Those leaves took pride of place on her mantle piece.

This year get a bit creative and give from your heart simply for another person's Joy.

Mele Kalikimaka - You are the Gift.

White Frangipani against a summer sky at Suffolk Park

Did you know that you have a gift that is unique to this world? No one else has the combination of life experience, and talents that you have. Did you know that once you start expressing these gifts, that you will be a really happy person? Sure you will still have challenges, that just goes with being alive, but once you start expressing your gifts, those challenges will appear like a way to express your gift in an even more creative way, instead of an unclimable mountain.

Christmas is not as much about opening our presents as opening our hearts. Janice Maeditere


Apricot and Pink Frangipani - Tree at Ulmara NSW

Take time to think;
It is the source of power.
Take time to read;
It is the foundation of wisdom.
Take time to play;
It is the secret of staying young.
Take time to be quiet;
It is the opportunity to seek God.
Take time to be aware;
It is the opportunity to help others.
Take time to love and be loved;
It is God's greatest gift.
Take time to laugh;
It is the music of the soul.
Take time to be friendly;
It is the road to happiness.
Take time to dream;
It is what the future is made of.
Take time to pray;
It is the greatest power on earth.

-Author unknown.

Mele Kalikimaka - Love

This December,
That love weighs more than gold!

-Josephine Bacon

Mele Kalikimaka - The Gift

A recent happening at a Volunteer organisation I help out at, has made me stop and rethink what my gifts are, and reflect on whether I have been trying to fill a role that would best be filled by someone else. Perhaps you are trying to work in an area that is really not even you - not one of your gifts. An expert in the area of personal development once told me that trying is dying. Stop trying and just do it. But what if trying is a message about how you are living your life - that something is out of whack.

Trying is becoming a signal to me. If I find myself trying too hard, it means that I am not using my gifts in the area that I am meant to be. If I am trying it means that I am working outside my gifted area and therefore things are difficult. To give you an idea of what I mean here... my mum is a gifted designer and real estate person. Now she is not an accountant or even interested in reading books. Does that mean that she should judge herself as stupid because she can't make it as an accountant or librarian in this life? No - all she needs do is to simply recognise that her gift is a homemaker. That she gives encouragement and love through her design work. Even though it is 'only' for her family and friends, every time I visit her house I am uplifted.

One of my friends said to me, 'if you find yourself meeting too many blocks in your path, mabe you are on a parrallel path to the one you need to be on'. I love this way to think, it gives me a simple method to look around and start over. My volunteer time has helped me to understand that I am 'trying' to give a gift I don't possess. I have been a round peg in a square hole. My 'gifts' involve anything to do with the arts. That is where I belong that is where I can give to the world.

One of my friends has many gifts including being a fabulous baker, homemaker and artist... When I go to visit her I am surrounded by her colourful artworks, her wonderful way of decorating and then I receive another of her gifts... being nurtured with her food. Yet another of my friends has the gift of humour when I visit her I am uplifted with her light way of seeing the world. Another of my friends has this gift... she can give you a hug that warms you to the very core of your being... she is truly present with each person she meets and I am sure each person goes away feeling absolutely treasured and special. One of my friends is rapidly becoming an expert in the 12 step program... it is one of her gifts now to see into personal situations very clearly and give 'real' clarity to others.

I wonder if we approached employment from a different perspective... looking not into what is 'out there' to do, and rather looking 'inward first' into what our gifts are. Then give that gift out to the world in our work. How would our live's change? How would our attitude to work be? Of course we would still have challenges but what great challenges.

What are your gifts? If you don't recognise them, perhaps a friend could help you discover them. If you know what your gifts are... do you share them with the world?

Mele Kalikimaka - HOPE

Sunset at Seaforth December 2007

Now I know why artists paint pink water.

We have just arrived home from visiting family in Sydney and I am reminded of the Hope that is to be found at my father-in-law's home. Ron created a wonderful legacy for his family and the generations to come in a secure and stable home environment. His kind, considerate nature will influence his family for many years to come. After he passed away just over a year ago I was wandering around his beautiful estate, and these words came to mind... 'we are only stewards of this land for a short time, we think we own it... but we don't... we are just here to look after it for a while'. Many such sentences echo in my mind of Ron's wisdom.

During this visit as I wandered around Ron's property I felt sad to see his land going back to weeds, after he nurtured it so carefully. He would have been most distressed to see it so neglected. Dead fronds from the Tree Ferns, hung wearily - this was one of the many things Ron liked to keep clear in the garden. I imagined him telling me to 'get them down'. I could feel his presence so strongly there that I wanted to stay and look after the land for him... to help continue loving the place as he once had. Ron was a great steward of not only the land but also of the people in his life. I truly understand stewardship now because of him. Ron looked after and maintained his property very well, but most of all he cared for his family at a very deep level.

Driving home today I was listening to a radio program on the ABC. The speaker, a former psychoanalyst told how hard it can be for men to stay in a family... their genes tell them to leave... I believe it takes a strong man to stay in a family that their hearts have to tell them to stay. Well Ron was a stayer... he stayed with his family... guided them like the soldier he once was. He never left his post even when the going got tough. In all our lives things can be tough and Christmas can be very tough on many. Families can be a source of great comfort or great despair or both. Separation or loss of family members can really hit hard at Christmas.

But I believe that even if we are separated from family or have lost someone special that those people also have left us a gift. People like Ron remind me of the gift of Hope... Hope for the future, Hope for family... Hope for a good life for friends. Hope for the earth. Hope doesn't desert us... Hope is what can keep us going when the track can seem overgrown. Maybe this is the message for me this Christmas... the track at Ron's is still there... his wisdom is still in my heart and mind, even though the track through his garden is overgrown... "Be a good steward of the land you live on... the land in your community... look after it... look after the people around you."

What do you Hope for this Christmas?

Mele Kalikimaka Time

Ah yes it's that time of the year again... shop till you drop etc.
Let's try to remember what this season is all about.

Do your best at attempting the above, somedays it's easier than others... be kind to yourself in the process.

I perhaps owe having become a painter to flowers.
~Claude Monet

Somedays we just need friends and a few flowers...

28th November

Gails Butterfly Bookmark

I was at a teenager's concert recently helping to chaperone some of the young people there. During a break in the music, one of the young women running the concert very bravely spoke to the very young audience on her brush with suicide. It is a topic no one wants to know about, yet so many people of all ages, are faced with it and a growing number of teenagers in particular. The young woman went on to say that at the last minute, she thought of her family, and how irrevocably her families life would be changed by this one action.

Luckily she was able to call for help. How insightful she was to have realised what an impact her loss would have meant to those who loved her. How blessed her family is to still have her. How lucky those teenagers were to hear her story. The message touched a tender cord in my husband's heart and my heart. That part in our heart will always be touched when someone tells of their story.

Unfortunately for our family, this wasn't the case. On the 28th November 2000, our family lost a beautiful woman; a sister, a mother, a wife, and daughter to suicide. On that day our family changed forever. As Dr Phil says, "Suicide is a permanent solution to a temporary problem". If you are thinking of suicide, call someone now for help - you are so important to this world, and to your family - it just doesn't seem that way right now. Never give up. If you have lost someone to suicide, my heart goes out to you - I send you my love.

If you would like a copy of the bookmark, right click on the picture then click on save as.

What a day.

What a day...
The sun is glistening on the water,
the ducks are pecking at the grass,
the dogs are relaxing in the sun,
the flowers are blooming.
A dolphin just swam lazily up the river
that runs past the front of our house.

Here's a flower from my garden...

Unique Bubbles

As I was talking to my friend Wendy yesterday, I started to draw bubbles - doodling as I talked. We had been discussing ways to make money using the skills she already had. I encouraged Wendy to draw her own bubbles and to write one of the skills she has in each. It started to become clear how unique Wendy's talents were. Then it came home to me that each of us has these unique combination of talents that no one else has. That probably seems as if it goes without saying, but have you ever sat down and actually broken down your skills. If you were to work out your own unique combination you might be surprised at just how many skills you possess, I know Wendy and I were.

Draw a bubble on a page now. Think of one of your skills, and write it in the bubble. Now draw another bubble and write one more of your skills in it. If organisation is one of your skills, as is Wendy's - what makes up the combination that is organisation - break organisation down into parts again. You may use a filing system, or you may organise your home well. How? Think of each skill that you normally perform, break it down and then write it in one of your bubbles. Try putting in some of the qualitites you possess that you show to the world too... like love, fun, patience, faith, kindness.

Bubbles of Uniqueness - there has never been nor will there ever be another person who is unique as you in this world, and there never will be again.

If you would like to have a session to discuss what your special skills are and different ways to share them with the world book a session at Frangipani House...

An angel in the post office

I received this in an email. I hope you enjoy it as much as I did.

This is one of the kindest things I've ever experienced. I have no way to know who sent it, but there is a kind soul working in the dead letter office of the US postal service.

Our 14 year old dog, Abbey, died last month. The day after she died, my 4 year old daughter Meredith was crying and talking about how much she missed Abbey. She asked if we could write a letter to God so that when Abbey got to heaven, God would recognize her. I told her that I thought we could so she dictated these words:

Dear God,
Will you please take care of my dog? She died yesterday and is with you in heaven. I miss her very much. I am happy that you let me have her as my dog even though she got sick. I hope you will play with her. She likes to play with balls and to swim. I am sending a picture of her so when you see her you will know that she is my dog. I really miss her.
Love, Meredith.

We put the letter in an envelope with a picture of Abbey and Meredith and addressed it to God/Heaven. We put our return address on it. Then Meredith pasted several stamps on the front of the envelope because she said it would take lots of stamps to get the letter all the way to heaven. That afternoon she dropped it into the letter box at the post office.A few days later, she asked if God had gotten the letter yet. I told her that I thought He had.

Yesterday, there was a package wrapped in gold paper on our front porch addressed,"To Meredith" in an unfamiliar hand. Meredith opened it. Inside was a book by Mr. Rogers called,"When a Pet Dies." Taped to the inside front cover was the letter we had written to God in its opened envelope. On the opposite page was the picture of Abbey & Meredith and this note:

Dear Meredith,
Abbey arrived safely in heaven. Having the picture was a big help. I recognized Abbey right away.Abbey isn't sick anymore. Her spirit is here with me just like it stays in your heart. Abbey loved being your dog. Since we don't need our bodies in heaven, I don't have any pockets to keep your picture in, so I am sending it back to you in this little book for you to keep and have something to remember Abbey by.

Thank you for the beautiful letter and thank your mother for helping you write it and sending it to me. What a wonderful mother you have. I picked her especially for you. I send my blessings every day and remember that I love you very much.

By the way, I am wherever there is love.
Love, God

Making your House into a Frangipani House

To Feng Shui or not to Feng Shui - I used to Feng Shui, but in the process realised that there is something more powerful. There is a secret underpinning Feng Shui and I'll share it with you.

The first Frangipani House I remember was my Aunty Harlein and Uncle Bruce's house in Dee Why. One of the first houses in Dee Why, it had a huge frangipani tree out the front. Inside that house, you would find amazing pieces of furniture - rooms full of wonderful things to look at. My Aunty loved to collect antiques and the front veranda room only had things made of brass in it. When I played hide and seek in that house, and was hiding under a piece of furniture, I would wonder why the legs of a table had feet with claws that held a ball of wood. It gave me fruit for my imagination, and I imagined that furniture walking around when no-one was watching.

Lots of love was present in that house and my Uncle loved to bake - so we always had pikelets or possum bellies to look forward to. MMM possum bellies... sounds like something out of the Clampets doesn't it? It was just savoury mince, but my uncle always had names for his food when kids were around... I think he loved to hear us go... URRRRRRRRRRRRGH yuckky. I never could try possum bellies, but I remember them fondly now.

My uncle Bruce's motto was to be found in a tapestry above the kitchen door...'Good Better Best, Never Let It Rest - Till your Good is Better and Your Better is Best'. He made the most wonderful sponge cakes in that kitchen. Sponge cakes that won prizes at the local church fetes. Always First Prize, and I know it drove the women church memebers crazy, trying to figure out how he did it. Sponge cakes that till today, no one I know can replicate. He made them with a special formula that he gave to me... and even I can't replicate it - and I have his old cake tins. You see he made those cakes with his own special love. Once he passed away, no one else could make those cakes the way he did - his love was unique.

The old home at 79 Pacific Parade Dee Why

Each one of those rooms in that house was special and filled with a unique love that was there because of how my Auntie Harlein and Uncle Bruce created it. Each of us has a unique ability to create a wonderful home... full of love and interesting bits and pieces of furniture even if it does come from the Salvos...

I'll give you the secret to Feng Shui - we don't need to be Feng Shui masters or even know about Feng Shui, we just need to know this... put your love into each room, fill it with welcome for each person who enters then bless each person as they enter in.

Spiritual Fruit

As we get older our physical bodies decline, but there is no need for our spiritual selves to decline. In fact, as we age it is a time when our spiritual self can be blossoming and bearing fruit. Instead of spending excessive amounts of time and focus on our physical being, what if we were to spend lots and lots of time on our spiritual well being? Now I am not saying ignore your physical body - we all know it is important to eat well, to dress ourselves lovingly and treat ourselves well. We are informed even on TV commercials now what types of food suit our bodies, and what types damage us. But do we know what things are good for us spiritually? Do we know what things damage us spiritually?

If your spirit could be likened to a tree - do you water your spiritual tree, and do you feed your spiritual tree? Is your tree growing strong, or is it withering? What types of fruit would your tree bear? The Bible tells us in Galations 5:22-23 that the fruit of the spirit is; love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. I imagine a tree with a variety of fruit that represents these spiritual fruits. I paint, and this verse in the Bible gives my artist's imagination, a wonderful image of a healthy tree flourishing with amazing fruit.

What if each day we consciously imagined that we are feeding the fruit of our tree by being kinder, more loving people? Listening to the still small voice of God each day, I work on the fruits of the spirit a little more. At the end of the day, I reflect on whether I helped this fruit, wither or grow a little more.

I invite you to join me.

The Still Small Voice Within

Within us all is an built guide... a direction finder if you will... our internal compass that gives us direction... a quiet little voice that gives us information about what to do, where to go, gives us hints and lets us know when we have gone awry. It is the still small voice of intuition.

How many times have you thought after an event - I knew I shouldn't have done that! or - Boy am I glad I paid attention that time! Intuition has played quite a large part in my life, sometimes my intuition isn't a still small voice, it is just a feeling in my gut that seems to indicate yes or no. Take for example last weekend. My husband and I had gone exploring around the Byron Bay area and decided on the way home to look for the entrance to some beach houses we had wandered by on a walk down Lennox Beach.

So we took a dirt track for miles that was seemingly going nowhere, but given the choice to turn back I felt really strongly to go on. When we reached the end of the track, the bush had been set on fire, and was blazing away quite nicely. I called the fire brigade, and my husband started throwing sand on the fire. Just as we were starting to put out the fire, a ute arrived with a group of young people. We all managed to get the fire under control.

My still small voice within has made itself known at various points in my life... My first husband seemingly disappeared - I was washing up one day and my little voice said, 'if you go to Canberra you will find him now'. So I called up my father and told him what I had heard, he said pack your bags... so we jumped in the car and went to Canberra. I never thought another thing about the message I had received until we arrived in Canberra. Dad said to me 'well which way now?' For a moment, panic overcame me and I thought 'oh no... what have I done'. I didn't let the panic take hold though and just let the first thought that came into my mind have a voice - 'turn left here'. So we turned left drove to the end of the street and his car was parked directly out the front of a unit block right in front of us. I knocked on one door and asked if the person knew where the owner of the car lived and she gave me directions to his unit. You should have seen my husband's face, when I knocked on his door.

Ever since then I have listened to my intuition. It has been really helpful, from saving me time to making me money to leading me to help people.

How many times have you not listened to your intuition - what was the outcome?
How many times have you listened to your intuition - what was the outcome?

'And after the earthquake, a fire, but the Lord was not in the fire; and after the fire a still small voice.' Kings 19:12

To wear or not to wear?

"A miserable person will not look beautiful through any amount of makeup. On the other hand, a happy person will shine through whatever mess might be dumped down from the balcony upstairs." Kirstie Alley.

The recent Pro Age Dove campaign has been a wonderful addition to our television screens and magazines. I wonder how many women will truly believe the add though? Can one add that helps our self esteem undo the work of thousands of adds telling us otherwise? Lets hope.

One woman I know hates other people to see her without makeup...she even tries to hide her head when she isn't wearing makeup. Funny thing is she looks so much nicer without it. I recently bought a 'age defying' foundation that was supposed to make my wrinkles look smaller, instead they seemed to emphasize them. I think I'll go back to the cheap brand that gives me a light cover.

How do you feel about yourself? Do you need to wear makeup? What do other women tell you? What are the messages you are receiving about yourself?

Frangipani Pie

Frangipani Pie Dreaming


1 20cm ready prepared pie crust
Pineapple Layer
450g Can Crushed Pineapple
2 egg yolks lightly beaten
1/4 cup cornflour mixed with 1/4 cup water
Coconut Cream Layer
1-1/2 cups milk
3/4 cup sugar
1 cup desiccated coconut
1/4 cup cornflour mixed with 1/4 cup water
1 tblspn butter
1 tspn vanilla
2 egg whites
1/3 cup caster sugar

It is the most delicious treat you can find... if the ingredients tempt you... then learn how to put it all together at;

How to write a Best Selling Ebook...

What is an eBook? It is simply a book in the form of a PDF file (usually) that you read on your computer instead of holding in your hand. If you wish you can print it out at home - but the idea is to read it on your computer.

Firstly in order to create an eBook, you need to have something to write about and preferably something someone else wants to read or learn about. You can write ebooks on anything and everything from recipes to crotchet patterns, from novels to how to manuals. If you have written something and it is stored on your computer, then you can turn that information into an ebook that could be making you money.

Do you constantly have people trying to pick your brains for information? Well I did. I had email after email for information on Hot Stone Massage. So many emails and phone calls, that after a while I decided to put the information I was using to teach my students into a book to sell over the internet.

Once the book was written I learned how to convert it to a PDF file to easily send it to clients. In the process I created an international best selling book. Now after more and more people asking me how I did it, I have put together a Guide to instruct people on How To Write an EBook. Hopefully it will help you to create a Best Selling eBook as well.

You can find the Hot Stone Massage Guide eBook at;

The Aloha Africa Well Project... From Little Things Big Things Grow.

From little things, big things, grow... From little things big things grow. Words from a song by Kev Carmody, started to go through my mind as I sat working on my website. You know I watch all these celebrities on TV making a difference with their money... and wish... I had that sort of money to make a difference. But, what if I could do something to make a difference in this world without all their resources. What would I do?

Kev Carmody's song kept going through my head. Then I looked at the little images on my website and had an idea. I have seen my pictures on other people's webpages and ebay shops... ones they have taken without my permission. It occured to me that perhaps people would make a small donation if they want the small images - and that we could all work together to make a difference.

So the Aloha Africa Well Project was born. If you would like to help us in this project just go to;
From Little Things Big Things Grow.
(Song by Kev Carmody and Paul Kelly.)

What part of you are you struggling with?

Are you one of those people who is perfectly happy with yourself? Congratulations... ever thought of writing on how to become so? If you aren't perfectly happy with yourself and have a 'problem' with a part or parts of you, consider this; could the part that you keep obsessing on as your problem, actually be something you could turn into your best feature?

Take one of my students in Tango for example... she has large, long feet. She thinks they are a liability, but I see those feet as an asset in training. You see those feet once trained can become her most sought after feature. Tango requires the feet - especially the woman's feet to move with grace and perform little movements to embellish her dancing. Aside from dancing though my student's feet have taken her on many adventures... you see she is a traveller. Those feet have taken her around the world many times and led many adventures for groups... those feet have taken her on many bush walks every week. They are an amazing asset. But still she groans with desperation that they aren't perfect.

I wonder if we could start to see our worst feature as having a 'message' for us. Instead of looking at what we see as 'wrong' with us we could start to ask... what is the 'gift' in this part of me?

How a simple change can make such a difference.

I started this blog so many years ago, and over the years it was a lovely way of keeping a diary. Then one day, I was playing around wi...